How Many Kiwi Beans Do I Have?

     Heyy peeps!! If you want to earn Kiwi Beans, do our activity "What's The Server??" and we will post your name and how many Kiwi Beans you have on this page. Happy guessing!! :)

   So far, these are the people who have participated and how many Kiwi Beans they have:

    Lyn716: 70 Kiwi Beans

    Purple Pep 1: 130 Kiwi Beans

    Bluecheese1: 280 Kiwi Beans

    9John Cena: 50 Kiwi Beans

    Applepie686: 50 Kiwi Beans

    Olbolby: 50 Kiwi Beans

    Venom54: 50 Kiwi Beans

    Snowmaker9: 110 Kiwi Beans

    7bella3: 50 Kiwi Beans

    Iceberg1010: 50 Kiwi Beans

    pattyboy187: 50 Kiwi Beans

    Acdude 1: 20 Kiwi Beans
    Pizzaman126: 130 Kiwi Beans

      Great job to all of the people that have participated!! :)

                         *Ttbean15* + *Kiwi406*


  1. How many do you have? :)

    *Ttbean15* + *Kiwi406*

  2. Wow Kiwi Beans Sound Yummy!
    (Ac Dude 1)

  3. how many do i have?

  4. did u do that game? the server one. every ques. u get right u get 10 kiwi beans

  5. 7bella3, you have 50 Kiwi Beans.

    *Ttbean15* + *Kiwi406*

  6. Well, you can earn more by playing our game What's The Server??, or you can discover glitches and tell us here on the Glitches page and get Kiwi Beans for that. Hope this helps!

    *Ttbean15* + *Kiwi406*

  7. Could you please make it Ice Berg1010 you accidently put Ice Berg2010

  8. Sorry, we will fix that.

    *Ttbean15* + *Kiwi406*
