Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Ttbean15 and Kiwi406's 1st Ever CPMV

   Hey guys :) Ttbean15 and Kiwi406 just finished their 1st CPMV (Club Penguin Music Video). Check it out!! :D


        It may not be the best you've ever seen, but its our 1st :) There will be more CPMVs coming soon...

                                                *Ttbean15* + *Kiwi406*


  1. Hey! Amazing video! I am always to do one but I cant lol. But anyways its awsome but it made me a little dizy from all the spins.

  2. I LOVE this video!!!! Very impressive and creative! I shall tell my friends all about it who is a big fan of Miley Cyrus or anyone who played Club Penguin!
