Thursday, April 7, 2011

New Pins And Furniture Catalog

       Heyyyyy peoples! Anyone excited about the new stuff? Well we are gonna show you! ;)

                                                                       New Pins:


                                     Orange Puffle Pin


                                          Brown Puffle Pin

Hmmm... well this is kinda strange. There's a glitch in the yellow and white puffle pins! It says "undefined". Check it out!

Now lets move on to the Better Igloos Furniture Catalog! :) Here are the hidden items for April - May. All hidden items are circled in pink.

Potted Palm

Ficus Plant

Snake Grass


                                  Well there you have it! We missed something? Let us know! ;)

                                                   What's New In April and May!

                There is a bunch of new stuff to look forward to for April and May - look! :D

                 If that's hard to see -

        Hello penguins!

        The April Fool's Party is over for another year.  We're glad to hear so many of you liked it! Here's a sneak peek at the next party the team is working on --- the Earth Day Party!

                                                     ( picture above)

                                        If that's hard to see -

             Plus here are some things to watch out for in the next few months:

  • Earth Day Party with two brand new animal costumes!
  • New stamps for games!
  • An epic new Medieval Quest for members...
  • More new interactions for puffles... stay tuned for more info here on the blog!
  • ( Shhh... this one's for secret agents only...) Some brand new Elite Gear... and something new with a certain polar bear named Herbert...
  • And more...
            What are you looking forward to most? Send us a comment and let us know what you think!

            Until then... Waddle On!

           - Club Penguin Team

By Billybob on April 06 2011 07:09     

                                 Interesting right? What do you think??  


                                                        *Ttbean15* + *Kiwi406*


  1. Its a 2008 igloo ;) When I started CP, I used to use CP Trainers and got that igloo by cheating. Now, I never use them anymore.

  2. Bean tell mauerpower7 to stop calling 7russle a nub cuz im mad at her >:
    (ac dude 1)

  3. Ohhhh ok thx Mini and Ok Ac but he was calling us nubs so its not entirely her fault :(

    *Ttbean15* + *Kiwi406*

  4. wait he said he was calling Mauerpower7 a nub not u (ac dude 1)

  5. He called me one too!! :(

    *Ttbean15* + *Kiwi406*

  6. REALLY? cuz i wuz editing my iggy

  7. btw im not mad at u

  8. Yea he did he isnt telling u everything

    *Ttbean15* + *Kiwi406*
